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Cast aluminum heater use

Jul 17, 2019

Cast aluminum heaters are products that have very prominent applications in the industry. Many people do not understand the practical use of cast aluminum heaters. They do not know the usage after they have obtained cast aluminum heaters. This article introduces the use of cast aluminum heaters. When you buy it, you still need to know how to buy it, but what are the buying skills of cast aluminum heaters?

1. First check whether the power supply voltage at the site of use matches the rated voltage of the product. If the two are different, the power supply voltage should be the same as the rated voltage of the product.

2. In order to ensure safety, it is important to ensure reliable grounding of the electrical equipment casing.

3. When the electric heater product is used for more than three months, it should be self-drying after intermittent power supply under the allowable conditions, and the power is turned off for ten minutes after heating for ten minutes for three to four consecutive times to discharge the moisture inside the electric heating element.

4, electric heater should pay attention to moisture and corrosion during storage, remember to store in a ventilated place.

Instructions for use:

1) The working voltage must not exceed 10% of the rated value;

2) The wiring part is placed outside the heating layer and the insulation layer, and the outer casing should be effectively grounded;

3) It should be placed in a dry place. If it is placed for a long time and the insulation resistance is lower than 1MΩ, it can be baked in an oven of about 200 degrees Celsius for 5-6 hours.