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S type thermocouple

Mar 08, 2021


The diameter of the coupling wire is specified as 0.5mm, and the allowable deviation is -0.015mm. The nominal chemical composition of the positive electrode (SP) is a platinum-rhodium alloy, which contains 10% rhodium, 90% platinum, and the negative electrode (SN) is pure platinum. Commonly known as a single platinum-rhodium thermocouple.

Use environment

It has good physical and chemical properties, thermoelectric potential stability, and good oxidation resistance at high temperatures, and is suitable for oxidizing and inert atmospheres.

Advantages of S-type thermocouple:

1: S-type thermocouple has relatively high accuracy in the thermocouple series,

2: S-type thermocouple has better stability in the thermocouple series,

3: Measuring temperature range: 800-1300℃

4: Long service life

Disadvantages of S-type thermocouple

1: The thermoelectric potential rate is relatively small,

2: The sensitivity is very low,

3: High temperature has a great influence on mechanical strength

4: Great environmental pollution, please pay attention to environmental protection. The earth is our home, protect it.

5: Precious metal materials are expensive,

Measuring temperature range of S-type thermocouple

The S-type thermocouple has the highest measurement accuracy when the normal long-term use temperature is 800~1300℃, while the temperature measurement accuracy within 800℃ is not high, and the long-term use temperature above 1300℃ can easily damage the thermocouple.