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How to calculate the voltage of electric heating tubes connected in parallel?

Dec 02, 2020

Let's take a look at the parallel connection of electric heating tubes, as shown in the following figure:


There are many ways to connect electric heating tubes, and the most common one is the parallel series. Let's take a look at how to calculate the voltage of electric heating tubes connected in parallel?

Parallel connection: Parallel connection is a connection method between components, which is characterized by connecting two components of the same or different types first to the first, and the end to the end of the connection. Usually used to refer to electricity

The connection mode of the electronic components in the circuit, namely the parallel circuit.

The voltage of each electric heating tube in the parallel circuit is equal.

The current at this time is equal to Itotal=I1+I2+I3+……+In that is, the total current is equal to the sum of the currents of each circuit.

From the above introduction, we can know how to calculate the voltage of the electric heating tube connected in parallel. If you want to know more wiring problems, please consult.

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