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What is the role of magnesium oxide powder in tube heating element?

Dec 09, 2020

Many people have asked us that there is a lot of white powder in the broken tube heating element, what is this, and what is it used for. Let me introduce you here. It is called magnesium oxide powder, and it plays a very important role in the tube heating element. Then let's take a look at the role of magnesium oxide powder in tube heating elements?

1. What is magnesium oxide powder?

        Magnesium oxide powder is also called fused crystalline magnesium oxide. It has better characteristics than caustic magnesium. After magnesite is arc-melted at 2800℃, a large block of crystalline magnesium oxide is obtained, which is crushed, ground, sieved, and magnetically separated. Then, fused crystalline magnesium oxide powder is obtained, and its purity can reach more than 96%. Well-crystallized magnesium oxide does not react with water and carbon acid gas. Crystalline magnesium oxide is a good filler in tubular electric heating elements with a temperature higher than 400°C.

2. What is the function of magnesium oxide powder?

1. Thermal conductivity: Because magnesium oxide powder has high thermal conductivity, it has good thermal conductivity.

2. Insulation: Because magnesium oxide powder has sufficient insulation performance and electric strength, the insulation is very good.


From the above introduction, it can be seen that the function of magnesium oxide powder in the tube heating element is heat conduction and insulation. Because the tube heating element is tightly filled with magnesium oxide powder, the surface temperature of the heating rod is high but does not conduct electricity.