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T-type thermocouple

Mar 08, 2021


A T-type thermocouple is also called a copper-constantan thermocouple. Its positive electrode (TP) is pure copper, and its negative electrode (TN) is a copper-nickel alloy called constantan.

Use environment:

1: Not resistant to high temperature, high-temperature use is not recommended

Advantages of T-type thermocouple:

1. T-type thermocouple has good linearity,

2. The thermal electromotive force is larger,

3. High sensitivity,

4. The temperature is approximately linear

5. Good reproducibility,

6. Fast heat transfer

7. Stability

8. Good uniformity

9. Cheap

Disadvantages of T-type thermocouple:

1: The positive electrode (copper) has poor oxidation resistance at high temperatures, so it is not resistant to high temperatures

Measuring temperature range of T-type thermocouple

